Daniel Burns

Sum up your memories about the trip.

I had a great two weeks away meeting new people who were there for the same reason. It was a great challenge everyone took it onboard and we all got there in the end. I loved it that much I am now signed up for Sea to Sea in August 2020, just need to work on my singing skills now!!

What’s your favourite memory from your trip?

My pedal coming off my bike as I was standing in cow poo. Also, the karaoke at the rest stops – we should have recorded that and sold it!


What is your age?


What made you want to ride your bike across the country?

To see places, meet new people and help raise funds towards MS charities.

Where do you live?

Dumbarton, Scotland

What routes/years did you ride with Bike the UK for MS?

JOGLE 2019

Do you have a connection to Multiple Sclerosis?

Yes, my mum has MS



How much training did you do for your trip?

Maybe 50 miles a week on the bike on average but I also run which helped.

What was your cycling experience before signing up?

I just cycled for enjoyment and commuting to work.

Where did you find the most success fundraising?

Word of mouth as I don’t use social media.

Embarking on any big trip can be intimidating. What was your biggest pre-trip worry?

My biggest pre-trip worry was being the only Scottish person if anyone was going to understand me!

How did you travel to and from the trip?

I got the train to Penzance and then a taxi to Land’s End, then I got a lift by car back from John O’Groats.



What’s one thing you brought that you couldn’t have lived without?

Money for a beer at the end of the day.

What’s one thing you brought that you wish you hadn’t?

A gas stove as it took up so much space and I only used it once.

Is there anything you spent a bit more money on that you were glad you did?

My shorts as they made the journey more comfortable.

How much casual clothes (t-shirts, shorts, etc) did you bring?

Jeans, tracksuit bottoms, hoody, jacket and 2 T-shirts.

How many pairs of cycling shorts/bibs did you bring?


What type of camping gear did you bring?

Tent, roll matt, stove, pots and pans.



What was your favourite van snack?

Ote caramel flapjack

How often would you go out to eat?

Most nights apart from 1 or 2.

What did you put in your day cubby (in the rest stop van)?

Peanut butter, bananas, Pringles, cereal bars/flapjacks



Did you prefer to ride alone or in a group?


What would you keep in your bike jersey pockets?

Banana and sun cream.

Did you use a rack/saddle bag/handlebar bag?


What type of tyres did you ride?

Standard road tyres.

Did you use a bike computer? What was your normal pace?

No, just Strava and Garmin watch; 13/14 mph.

How long did it take to learn to read the maps?

I’m still learning.

Riding on a flat terrain with a headwind, or climbing a mountain pass for miles. Which do you prefer?

Definitely a mountain pass for miles!

Would you rather be riding through cold rain or extreme heat?

Extreme heat.

What was the most physically challenging segment for you?

The start of the day from Carlisle to Carluke.



Were you an early riser, or rolling out of camp late?

Early riser.

When you got to camp, the first thing you did was….

Found the nearest pub.

How often would you do laundry?

Every couple of days but only got a proper laundrette once.

It’s the evening and you’re out of your bike clothes, fed, and your tent is pitched. What are you doing to pass the time until you fell asleep?

Just go for a wonder about to see what’s happening, sort my stuff for the next day and go for a pint.

On the rest day, did you prefer to go out and see what the town has to offer, or did you hang out, rest up, and relax?

Go out and see the town.



Do you keep in touch with many of your teammates?

Yes now and again.

What was your favourite MS group meet up?

Would have to be biased and say the Dumbarton group.

Do you feel like you are more aware of the impact that MS has on the lives of those affected by it?


What was your biggest takeaway from the trip?

Live life to the max, you never know what’s round the corner, also when you think you’re having a tough day just think about the people we raised the money for – they’re having it 10 times as hard.


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